Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rosar
Weiterlesen →Florian Coulmas wurde 1949 in Hamburg geboren und studierte von 1968 bis 1973 an der FU Berlin, der Sorbonne und am Oberlin College Soziologie, Germanistik und Philosophie. Nach seiner Promotion an der Universität Bielefeld habilitierte er sich im Fach Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. Nachdem er die Jahre 1984 bis 1987 auf Gastprofessuren in Tokio und Washington DC verbrachte, wurde er 1987 als Professor für Soziolinguistik an die Chûô-Universität in Tokio berufen, wo er zwölf Jahre lehrte. Im Jahr 1999 erhielt er den Ruf auf den Lehrstuhl für Sprache und Kultur des modernen Japan an die Universität Duisburg-Essen. Von 2004 bis 2014 leitete Coulmas als Direktor das Deutsche Institut für Japanstudien (DIJ) in Tokio. Unter seiner Leitung wurden am DIJ die Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels in Japan auf Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Kultur erforscht. Nach Ablauf seiner Amtszeit in Tokio kehrte Coulmas als Seniorprofessor an die Universität Duisburg-Essen zurück.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rosar
Weiterlesen →Prof. Dr. Dres. h. c. Gert Kaiser
Weiterlesen →Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbeck
Weiterlesen →Guardians of Language. Twenty voices through history. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016, 345 pp.
Tokio. Vom Glück urbanen Lebens. München: C. H. Beck 2014, 240 pp.
Writing and Society. An Introduction. London, New York: Cambridge University Press 2013, 180pp. [Portuguese translation: Escrita e Sociedade. São Paulo: Parábola 2014.]
Fukushima. Vom Erdbeben zur atomaren Katastrophe [jointly with Judith Stalpers]. München: C. H. Beck 2011, 192 pp.
Japan. Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen [jointly with Judith Stalpers]. München: C. H. Beck 2011, 159 pp.
Die Illusion vom Glück. Japan und der Westen. Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Darmstadt: Primus Verlag 2009, 111 pp.
Population Decline and Ageing in Japan – The Social Consequences. London, New York: Routledge 2007, 176 p.
Trilingual Glossary of Demographic Terminology: English-Japanese-German [jointly with Matthias Koch, Claus Harmer]. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2007, 924 p.
Die Gesellschaft Japans. Arbeit, Familie und demographische Krise. München: C. H. Beck 2007, 252 pp.
Hiroshima. Geschichte und Nachgeschichte. München: C. H. Beck 2005, 2nd edition 2010, 138 pp. [Italian translation: Storia e memoria dell’olocausto nucleare. Milano: Mimesis 2010.]
Sociolinguistics. The Study of speakers’ choices. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press 2005, 2nd edition 2013, 263 pp.
Die Kultur Japans. Tradition und Moderne. München: C. H. Beck 2003 (broschiert 2005)PP, 333 pp.
Writing Systems. An introduction to their linguistic analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003, 270 pp. [Japanese translation: Taishukan 2014; Korean translation: Yonsei University Press 2016.]
Die Deutschen schreien. Beobachtungen von einem, der aus dem Land des Lächelns kam. Reinbek: Rowohlt 2001, 188 pp. [Japanese translation: Mada mada matomona Nippon. Tokyo: Bungeishunju 2002.]
Japanische Zeiten. Eine Ethnographie der Vergänglichkeit. Reinbek: Kindler 2000, 382 pp.
Japan außer Kontrolle. Vom Musterknaben zum Problemkind. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1998, 142 pp.
Das Neue Asien. Ein Kontinent findet sich selbst [jointly with Judith Stalpers]. Zürich, Frankfurt/M.: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Campus 1998, 192 pp.
Gewählte Worte. Über Sprache als Wille und Bekenntnis. Frankfurt/M.: Campus 1996, 188 pp.
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems. Oxford, Cambridge MA: Blackwell 1996, 603 pp.
Das Land der rituellen Harmonie. Japan: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung. Frankfurt/M.: Campus 1993, 256 pp.
Language and Economy. Oxford, London: Blackwell 1992, 377pp. [Japanese translation 1993; Arabic translation 2000; French translation.]
Die Wirtschaft mit der Sprache. Eine sprachsoziologische Studie. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp 1992, 409 pp.
Writing Systems of the World. Oxford: Blackwell 1989, 320 pp.
Sprache und Staat. Studien zur Sprachplanung. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 1985, 292pp. [Japanese translation: Gengo to kokka. Tokyo: Iwanami 1987.]
Über Schrift. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp 1982, 152 pp.
Routine im Gespräch. Zur pragmatischen Fundierung der Idiomatik. Wiesbaden: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion 1981, 262 pp.
Rezeptives Sprachverhalten. Eine theoretische Studie über Faktoren sprachlichen Verstehens. Hamburg: Buske 1977, 301 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 242. Language Shift and Shifting Standards. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2016, 265 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 236. Contact, Variation and Competition of Languages. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2015, 338 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 230. Ethnolinguistic Identities and Loyalties. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2014, 140 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 224. Fluid Borders – Languages and Varieties in Flux. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2013, 227 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 218. Language Identification Reconsidered. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2012, 223 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 212. Untrodden Paths in Linguistic Identity Research. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2011, 209 pp.
[Co-editor: Ralph Lützeler] Imploding Populations in Japan and Germany: A Comparison. Leiden, Boston: Brill (ICSS 25) 2011, 558 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 206. Challenges to Sociolinguistic Theory: Realilties on the Ground. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2010, 292 pp.
[Co-editor: Peter Backhaus] International Journal of the Sociology of Language 200. Social Aging and Language. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2009, 211 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 199. Multilingualism and Language Politics: New Challenges. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2009, 156 pp.
[Co-editors: Peter Backhaus, Hiroshi Sho ̄ji] Nihon no gengo keikan (Japan’s linguistic landscape). Tokyo: Sangensha 2009, 206 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 189. Authenticity and Linguistic Heritage in the Age of Globalization. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2008, 169 pp.
[Co-editors: Harald Conrad, Annette Schad-Seifert, Gabriele Vogt] The Demographic Challenge: A Handbook about Japan. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2008, 1199 pp.
Language Regimes in Transformation. Future Prospects for German and Japanese in Science, Economy, and Politics. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2007, 216 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 182. Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity – and its Decline. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2006, 159 pp.
[Co-editor: Patrick Heinrich] International Journal of the Sociology of Language 175/176. Changing Language Regimes in Globalizing Environments: Japan and Europe. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2005, 323 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 170. Focus on Africa: Sociolinguistic Changes in a Changing World. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2004, 190 pp.
International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2nd edition. Writing and Literacy. Topic editor. New York: Oxford University Press 2003.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 164. Language expansion and linguistic world order. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2003, 183 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 158. Linguistic Choices by Individuals, Organizations, and Speech Communities. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2002, 237 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 152. Language Contact Issues. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2001, 197 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 146. Problems of Multilingualism and Social Change in Asian and African Contexts. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2000, 142 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 140. Linguistic Symbolism, Political and Individual. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1999, 167 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 134. Language Choice Issues. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1998, 94 pp.
Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell 1997, 544 pp. Chinese translation: 社会言学通 /The handbook of sociolinguistics = She hui yu yan xue tong lan. Beijing: Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she 2001, 541 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 128. Issues in Language Contact and Social Power Relations. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1997, 97 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 122. Concepts of Language in Asia and Other Non-Western Societies. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1996, 144 pp.
[Co-editors: Gabriele Gräfen, Konrad Ehlich] A bibliography on writing and written language. Trends in Linguistics 89. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1996, 3 Volumes, 2891 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 116. Language Politics and Accommodation. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1995, 193 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 98. Attitudes and Accommodation in Multilingual Societies. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1992, 134 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 92. New Perspectives of Linguistic Etiquette. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1991, 138 pp.
The Economics of Language in the Asian Pacific. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, vol. 2/1 1991.
A Language Policy for the European Community. Prospects and Quandaries. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1991, 311 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 86. Perspektives on Language Contact and Language Policy. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1990, 166 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 84. Spanish in the USA: New Quandaries and Prospects. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1990, 131 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 83. Soziolinguistik des Deutschen/Varieties of German. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1990, 189 pp.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 80. Current Issues in Language Planning and Language Education. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1989, 148 pp.
Language Adaptation. London, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1989, 198 pp. June 2009 paperback, 212 pp.
International Journal of the Sociologie of Language 74. Language Planning and Attitudes. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1988, 158 pp.
[Co-editor: Judith Stalpers] International Journal of the Sociology of Language 73. The Sociolinguistics of Dutch. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1988, 136 pp.
With Forked Tongues. What are national languages good for? Ann Arbor: Karoma 1988, 185 pp.
Direct and Indirect Speech. Reported speech across languages. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1986, 370 pp.
Linguistic Minorities and Literacy. Language Policy Issues in Developing Countries. Trends in Linguistics 26. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1984, 133 pp.
[Co-editor: Konrad Ehlich] Writing in Focus. An interdisciplinary reader on the study of writing. Trends in Linguistics 24. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1983, 405 pp.
A Festschrift for Native Speaker. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter 1981, 406 pp.
Conversational Routine. Explorations in prepatterned speech and standardized communication situations. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter 1981, 331 pp.
Vom Piktogramm zum Alphabet. In: Zeitschrift für Semiotik. Special issue 1980.
Dell Hymes: Soziolinguistik. Zur Ethnographie der Kommunikation. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp 1979.
Prescriptivism and writing systems. In: Percy, Carol; Percy, Ingrid (eds.). Tieken-Boon van Ostade. Prespcriptivism and Tradition in Language. Establishing Standards across Time and Space. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 39–56.
Sociolinguistics and the English writing system. In: Cook, Vivian; Des, Ryan (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of the English Writing System. London: Routledge 2016, 261–274.
Authentic writing. In: Lacoste, Véronique; Leingruber, Jakob; Breyer, Thiemo (eds.). Indexing Authenticity. Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter 2014, 289–303.
Nihongaku no yukue [Japanese Studies where to], Gekkan Minpaku 2012 No.11, 7, 8.
[jointly with Federica Guerini] Literacy and writing reform. In: Spolsky, Bernhard (ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012, 437–460.
Social Practices of Speech and Writing. In: Hogen, Patrick Colm (ed.). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012, 35–45.
[jointly with Wolfgang Jagodzinski, Rie Suzuki, Annelene Wengler] ‘Niteiru’ toha ‘onaji’ dehanai. Nichidoku daigakusei no ‘k ̄ofuku’ ni tuite no hy ̄oka [Similari s not the same. Japanese and German students evaluation of ‘happy’]. In: Annual Review of the Institute for Advanced Social Research, vol. 2. Nishinomiya: Kwansei Gakuin University March 2012, 1–15.
Freiheit und Sitte. Aspekte der Naturkatastrophe in Japan. In: Lettre International 93, Sommer 2011, 43–46.
[jointly with Ralph Lützeler] Population Implosion: Coping with the Unknown. In: Coulmas, Florian; Lützeler, Ralph (eds.). Imploding Populations in Japan and Germany. Leiden, Boston: Brill (ICSS 25) 2011, 1–32.
The Bitter Fruits of Success. In: Schad-Seifert, Annette; Shimada, Shingo (eds.). Demographic Change in Japan and the EU: Comparative Perspectives. Düsseldorf: dup 2010, 17–36.
The Ethics of Language Choice in Immigration. In: Language Magazine May: http://www.policyinnovations.org/ideas/commentary/ data/000162 2010, 19–22.
The Quest of Happiness in Japan. In: Annual Review of the Institute for Advanced Social Research, vol. 2. Nishinomiya: Kwansei Gakuin University March 2010, 1–25.
The Ethics of Language Choice in Immigration. In: The Right to Move. Sophia University 12./13. December 2009, Conference Paper.
Back to the future: Literacy and the Art of Writing in the Age of Cyberspace. In: Consani, Carlo; Furiassi, Cristiano; Guazzellio, Francesca; Perta, Carmela (eds.). Atti del 9 ̊ Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana de Linguistica Applicata. Perugio: Guerra Edizioni 2009, 93–113.
[jointly with Peter Backhaus] Introduction: Aging and language. In: Backhaus, Peter; Coulmas, Florian (eds.). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 200. Social Aging and Language. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2009, 5–10.
Schatten von Nagasaki. In: Bigg, Charlotte; Hennig, Jochen (Hrsg.). Atombilder. Ikonografie des Atoms in Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit des 20. Jahrhunderts. Göttingen: Wallstein 2009, 118–125.
Language and Economy. In: Wei, Li; Cook, Vivian (eds.). Contemporary Applied Linguistics. Volume 2, Language for the Real World. London, New York: Continuum 2009, 28–45.
An Essay on the Question of Linguistic Identity. In: Shuji Inagaki et al. (eds.). Studies in Language Sciences 8. Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers 2009, 3–12.
Linguistic Landscaping and the Seed of the Public Sphere. In: Gorter, Durk; Shohamy, Elena (eds.). Linguistic Landscape: Expanding the Scenery. London, New York: Routledge 2008, 13–24. [Japanese self-translation Gengo keikan to koukyouken no kigen. In: Hiroshi, Shoji; Backhaus, Peter; Coulmas, Florian (eds.). Nihon no Gengo Keikan. Tokyo: Sangensha 2009, 79– 94.
Milder Moloch. In: Rühle, Alex (Hrsg.). Megacitys. Die Zukunft der Städte. München: C. H. Beck 2008, 145–150.
The case for choice – language preferences in Japanese academic publishing. In: Coulmas, Florian (ed.). Language Regimes in Transformation. Future Prospects for German and Japanese in Science, Economy, and Politics. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2007, 155–172.
Abe Clausewitz. Japan vor der Änderung seiner pazifistischen Verfassung. In: Kommune 2/2007, 44–45.
Japan im demografischen Wandel: Kinderlos und ratlos. In: politische ökologie 104: Demografischer Wandel. Neue Spielräume für die Umweltpolitik. München: oekom verlag 2007, 27–28.
Bevölkerungsalterung und sozialer Wandel: Stolpersteine auf dem Weg in Japans überalterte Gesellschaft. In: Behrens, Michael; Legewie, Jochen (Hrsg.). Japan nach Koizumi. Wandel in Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft 2007, 227–240.
Wenzi, yuyan he rentongxing wenti [Writing, Language and the Question of Identity]. In: Omar, Dilmurat; Wang-Riese, Xiaobing (eds.). Wenzi, yishi yu wenhuajiyi [Writing, Ritual & Cultural Memory]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 2007, 59–69.
Nihon no yukue, hoshushugi to ha nani ka. S ̄okatsu no komento [Wohin treibt Japan? Was ist Konservatismus? Resümierender Kommentar]. In: Ajia Jih ̄o 10 (2007), 34–38.
English monolingualism in scientific communication and progress in science, good or bad? In: AILA Review 20 2007, 5–13.
[jointly with Judith Stalpers] Besser als Sudoku? In: NZZ Folio 12/07.
Japan’s Bid for a Permanent Seat on the UN Security Council. In: Schucher, Günter (ed.). Asien Nr. 100, July 2006. Special Issue. Reflections on Asia in the 21st Century. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e. V. 2006, 18–22.
The power to choose and its sociolinguistic implications. In: Fishman, Joshua A; Neff-van Aertslaer, JoAnne; Pütz, Martin (eds.). Along the Routes to Power: Explorations of Empowerment through Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 2006, 55–71.
Foreword. In: Garcia, Ofelia; Peltz, Rakhmiel; Schiffman, Harold (eds.). Language Loyalty, Continuity and Change. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters 2006, xi.
Economic Aspects of Languages/Ökonomische Aspekte von Sprachen. In: Ammon, Ulrich (ed.). Sociolinguistics. An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society./ Soziolinguistik. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Wissenschaft von Sprache und Gesellschaft. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2005, 1667–1674.
Changing language regimes in globalizing environments. In: Coulmas, Florian; Heinrich, Patrick (eds.). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 175/176. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2005, 3–16.
Linguistic etiquette in Japanese society. In: Ehlich, Konrad; Ide, Sachiko; Watts, Richard J. (eds.). Politeness in language: studies in its history, theory and practice. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2005, 300–323.
Die Zeit in Engelbert Kaempfers Zeit. In: Klocke-Daffa, Sabine; Scheffler, Jürgen; Wilbertz, Gisela (Hrsg.). Engelbert Kaempfer (1651–1716) und die kulturelle Begegnung zwischen Europa und Asien. Lemgo: Institut für Lippische Landeskunde 2003, 169–184.
[jointly with Makoto Watanabe] Japan’s nascent multilingualism. In: Dewaele, Jean-Marc; Housen, Elex; Wei, Li (eds.). Opportunities and Challenges of Bilingualism. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2002, 249– 271.
Der Westen auf dem Siegeszug? Das Internet wirft die Frage nach einer Universalschrift auf. In: Leseforum Schweiz. Bulletin 11. Zürich: Leseforum Schweiz 2002, 11–14.
Monolinguistic Assumptions under Pressure – Perspectives on the language of Tokyo from the points of view of the economics of language and social psychology. In: Asien. Hamburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde 2002, 8–18.
Europa mit chinesischen Augen. In: DAMALS. Das Magazin für Geschichte und Kultur. Leinfelden-Echterdingen: Konradin Medien 2002, 44–45.
Language masters: defying linguistic materialism. In: Mouton classics – from syntax to cognition, from phonology to text. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2002, 719–730.
Comment: Writing is Crucial. In: Fishman, Joshua A. (ed.). International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 157. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2002, 59–62.
Impacts of globalization on cultural identity. In: Dorow, Wolfgang; Parra, Timo; Takashi, Yoshiaki (eds.). A Cultural Forum – The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Identity in Business. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann 2002, 30–37.
Sociolinguistics. In: Aronoff, Mark; Rees-Miller, Janie (eds.). The Handbook of Linguistics. Malden, Massachussetts: Blackwell 2002, 563–581.
[jointly with Makoto Watanabe] Japan’s Nascent Multilingualism. Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit/ Working papers in multilingualism, Volume 31 2001, 59–62.
Theorie der Schriftgeschichte (Theory of the History of Writing). In: Günther, Hartmut; Ludwig, Otto (eds.). Schrift und Schriftlichkeit/ Writing and its Use. An international handbook of interdisciplinary research. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 1996, 256–263.
Typology of Writing Systems (Schrifttypologie). In: Günther, Hartmut; Ludwig, Otto (eds.). Schrift und Schriftlichkeit/Writing and its Use. An international handbook of interdisciplinary research. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 1996, 1380–1386.
Function and Status of Written Language in East Asia. In: Ammonm, Ulrich (ed.). Status and function of languages and languages varieties. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1989, 216–242.
Linguistic Problems of Literacy. In: Journal of Pragmatics, Special Issue, volume 7, issue 5 1983, 467–477.
Introduction: Conversational routine. In: Coulmas, Florian (ed.). Conversational Routine. Explorations in Standardized Communication Situations and Prepatterned Speech. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1981, 1–18.
Poison to your soul. Thanks and apologies contrastively viewed. In: Coulmas, Florian (ed.). Conversational Routine. Explorations in Standardized Communication Situations and Prepatterned Speech. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1981, 273–288.
The Ethics of Language Choice in Immigration (The Right to Move Conference Papers), http://www.policyinnovations.org/ideas/commentary/ data/000162, January 20, 2010.
Evaluating Merit? The Evolution of Writing Reconsidered (Writing Systems Research) http://wsr.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/1/1/5 2009.
Weltwärts – 30 Jahre DAAD Büro Tokyo. Seikou ni kurushimu – chou kourei shakai no shomondai-o megutte [Leiden am Erfolg – Über Probleme einer super vergreisenden Gesellschaft] http://tokyo.daad.de/documents/jub saag1_coulmas.pdf.
Language policy in Japan. The challenges of change by Nanette Gottlieb. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. In: Coulmas, Florian (ed.). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 218. Language Identification Reconsidered. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2012, 220–223.
Sealed for eternity? Review of ‘Unsealing the Indus Script. Anatomy of its Decipherment’. Shendge, Malati J. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers 2010. In: Wiring Systems Research, Vol 2, No. 2 2010, 169–171.
Japan threatened by social divide. Addressing poverty and the nation’s new struggling underclass, Poverty and Social Welfare in Japan, edited by Masami Iwata and Akihiko Nishizawa. Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press 2008. In: The Japan Times, 21.12.2008, 13.
Hiromichi Sakai: Sh ̄oshika, ’hitsudoku’ j ̄okushu ̄ [Required poison (reading) about birth rate decline]. Tokyo: Chu ̄o ̄ko ̄ron-Shinsha 2006. In: DIJ Newsletter – Information from the German Institute for Japanese Studies, 29 (October 2006), 5–6.
Japan after Japan: Social and Cultural Life from the Recessionary 1990s to the Present. Harootunian, Harry; Yoda, Tomiko (eds). Durham, London: Duke University Press 2006. In: Pacific Affairs. Vol 80, No. 1 2007, 105–106.
The Scars of War: Tokyo During World War II, Writings of Takeyama Michio, edited and translated by Richard H. Minear. Lanham, M. D.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. 207 p. In: Japan Times 02.12.2007, 15.
赤川学 『子どもが減って何が悪いか!』ちくま新書 2004. Akagawa, Manabu: Kodomo ga hette nani ga warui ka! [Fewer children, what’s wrong with that?!]. Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo ̄, 2004. In: Japanstudien 17. Deutschland in Japan. München: Iudicium Verlag 2005, 292–294.
Scientific Social Responsibility and Happiness. Tokyo: Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien/German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), 15 pp.
The Quest for Happiness in Japan. Tokyo: Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien/German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), 31 pp.
[jointly with: Matthias Koch, Claus Harmer] Trilingual Glossary of Demographic Terminology: English-Japanese-German, Japanese-English-German, German-Japanese-English.『三か国語対照人口学用語集英日独・日英 独・ 独日英』 Dreisprachiges Glossar der Demographie: EnglischJapanisch-Deutsch, Japanisch-Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-JapanischEnglisch. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2007, 924 pp.
(Co-editor: Saeko Ito) Japanisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch von Satzäquivalenten. Tokyo: Asahi Press 1984.
(in cooperation with I. Marui and R. Reinelt) Kleines Formellexikon Japanisch-Deutsch. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 1983.
Yanabu Akira (Honyakugo seiritsu jijo). Modernisierung der Sprache. Eine kulturhistorische Studie über westliche Begriffe im japanischen Wortschatz. München: Iudicium 1991.
Hughes, George Edward; Cresswell, Max John. (Modal Logic) Einführung in die Modallogik. Berlin: De Gruyter 1978.
Lyons, John. (New Horizons in Linguistics) Neue Perspektiven in der Linguistik. Reinbek: Penguin Books 1975.
Chomsky, Noam. (Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar) Thesen zur Theorie der Generativen Grammatik. Frankfurt/M.: Athenäum-Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag 1974.